Aikibudo | June 20 – 21 at The Renshinkan
Clark Sensei will be at the Renshinkan in Mesa, Arizona the weekend of June 20 – 21 for two days of Aikibudo training. Please contact the dojo for more information, to arrange lodging, and just to give us an idea of how many folks are going to show up.
Sensei’s Biography:
C. E. Clark, born 1947, began budo training at the age of six and has continued his practice through the present. Clark has studied in the U.S., France, Japan, Canada, and Republic of South Vietnam, and is Jiyushinkai 8th dan, Shihan, (has also practiced Kodokan judo, karate do, jujutsu, Shinto Muso Ryu Jo and T’ai chi ch’uan). Clark has trained under a number of top-level teachers, and has been most strongly influenced by F. Fujita, J. Bayless, R.L. Willingham, E. Cates, F. Hatashita, K. Geis, T. Miyake, P. Relnick, and T. Nishioka. He founded his own organization, the Jiyushinkai, in 1984. A U.S.M.C. veteran of Vietnam and former hospital manager and consultant. Clark is now a writer and professional budo teacher at the Jiyushinkan near Monroe, WA. He has a son, Aaron, two grand-daughters, and two dogs, Susie Q and Sherry Baby (like the songs…)