The root word of our dojo name, Renshin holds particular significance to us and describes the personality of both our dojo and how we train quite well. The name Renshinkan comprises the following characters:

ren is a metallurgical term that refers to forging. As repeatedly pounding heated iron refines and tempers it, so is a student refined and tempered through repeated proper training. Ultimately, the goal is for the student to become their own anvil, hammer, and fire.

shin means heart or spirit. Shin is also significant in that it is a character that is used in the name of our family, Jiyushinkai. We chose this character specifically chosen to show our lineage and direct connection to our family.

kan means hall or building and is a commonly-used suffix in Japanese dojo names.
One way to translate Renshinkan is “The Hall of Spirit Forging.”